The medical profession is a demanding one, but it's also rewarding. It requires specialized skills and knowledge to not only be a healer, but also someone who can provide compassionate care for those in need. But there are some things you may not have considered when choosing your uniform - from the type of material it's made with to how easy-to-clean they are. Here are 10 tips for choosing the right medical uniform!

1. Invest in a Uniform that Fits You Well

This may seem like a no-brainer, but a uniform that fits well can make all the difference. Not only does it look better and feel more comfortable, but it will breathe better and be less likely to catch on things or pull. If you're not sure what size to get, visit the uniform retailer's website and see if they have measurement guidelines.

2. Make Sure the Medical Uniform Matches Your Facility's Culture and Needs

Make sure that your healthcare facility has a culture of professionalism. This means having standards for appearance or dress codes, providing training on infection control and customer service and reinforcing this through continuing education or hiring practices. When you select your healthcare uniform, make sure to choose one that reflects the culture of your facility.

3. Be Aware of How Often You'll Need to Wash It

The frequency with which you need to clean a piece of clothing is called its "soil level." A Level 2 uniform needs to be cleaned after each patient, while Level 4 uniforms may only need to be laundered once or twice a week. Higher soil levels require more durable fabrics and materials that resist stains and are easy to wipe down.

4. Ensure the Material Won't Only Attract Germs but Repel Them Too!

This is a very important consideration if your facility is concerned about infection control. When you select a uniform, choose one made from quality materials that can be easily wiped down and resist staining because these are less likely to harbor harmful bacteria.

5. Consider the Length of the Skirt or Pants

In medical settings it's important not to have too much of your bare skin exposed. If you're wearing a skirt, it should be longer than knee-length and the hem of the pants bottom should hit about an inch above the shoe for proper coverage and modesty.

6. Keep It Simple (Skip Logos)

When choosing healthcare uniforms, opt for simplicity whenever possible. Your logo can identify your facility, but it can also put a bad taste in the mouths of patients and families. A logo is most appropriate for lab coats.

7. Pick Colors That Work For You and Profession

Your healthcare uniform should be a color that's flattering on you as well as professional enough for your workplace. White is a popular choice because it doesn't show dirt and it's easy to keep clean. Be careful about wearing white scrubs because they can look dingy and gray after a few washes. Navy blue is the color most often chosen for medical uniforms because it's flattering on many skin tones, provides good coverage and doesn't fade as much as other colors do.

8. Know What Styles Are Available to Order

When choosing your uniform, you'll need to decide what works best for you and the needs of your facility. If you work in an office setting or outpatient center with minimal patient contact, then wearing scrubs may be overkill! Lab coats are a popular choice because they're professional looking and easy to wipe down. 

9. Consider What Other Pieces Will be Needed

This is especially important if you intend to change outfits daily or several times a day. The uniform should include all elements needed to complete your work outfit. These can include pants or skirts, tops, shoes and accessories such as jewelry.

10. Check the Price of the Uniform

There's a wide range in price for medical uniforms so it's important to shop around. When you need 10 scrubs, it may be tempting to buy cheap ones but if they fall apart or rip after just a few washes, it's money wasted. When you need several complete uniforms for every day wear, consider the cost of each article versus its durability. 


Choosing the right uniform for your medical or healthcare profession can be challenging with all of the different options available. One way to simplify this process is by considering these 10 tips when making a decision about what would work best. This article has provided great insight into how you can avoid common mistakes and make an informed choice that will provide comfort, durability and protection from infection for years of service!  If you need more guidance on choosing uniforms,