So now it’s the right time to have some actual talk! This kind of talk that most of us hesitate, but these discussions are tremendously necessary. It’s high time we need to start caring about private area hygiene and give a little more attention. Our private parts have a completely different care routine being the most subtle body part. Well, if you are willing to accept some appropriate cleaning habits that might make a vast difference in your lifestyle. Using intimate hygiene products will be an ideal solution for maintaining the proper hygiene of our intimate parts. Keep reading this article to know more about properly cleaning the intimate parts.

Maintaining pH Level

Your private area has a totally different pH level while compared to any other body parts. If you are using intimate washes products from Belle Nubian Paris then good, but if you choose to use a basic bathing soap or a body wash, then you may want to know this. Using a bathing soap can actually aggravate issues such as dryness, odor, or recurrent contaminations by disturbing the pH balance of your intimate area. If you are wondering what is the harm in a slight imbalance in the pH level, it can disturb the natural flora, that will, in turn, let the harmful bacteria to breed rapidly.


Well, it is completely normal for a woman to produce white or clear discharge. Clear and white discharge is the normal lubrication to keep vaginal tissues clean and moist. In other words, discharge is vagina’s way of washing itself. If you are concerned about the discharge, you need to take a look at the color. But if you find if the color is green, gray, or yellow then you may need to consult with your doctor. Using intimate hygiene products can help you get rid of the wetness while maintaining the pH, making you feel fresh all day long.


First of all, you should know, no private part is odorless, nor should they be. Basically, the smell of an intimate area may change depending on your food habits. But if you find any strong or unpleasant smell then it is best to consult a doctor. In certain situations, some infections can lead to bad smell, so consulting a doctor could help in such cases. Otherwise, proper intimate wash can help you to get rid of this problem. But you need to remember, your intimate cleanser should be organic skin care products.  

Sex and Cleanliness

Practising safe sex not only helps to prevent the dangerous illnesses but also it keeps intimate area infections away. Usually, after an intimate time there can be a chance of health issues like UTI. So, it is best to take a shower or at least wash your intimate parts with proper intimate wash care of Belle Nubian Paris.

Bottom Line

Now that we have deliberated everything about proper cleaning of intimate parts, it’s time to know what best suits your private area. You need specific intimate hygiene products that can help you to balance the pH level and can prevent infections and keep your private parts clean and fresh. Belle Nubian Paris has introduced intimate wash products that have been specially designed to take care of your private area, and leave you feeling comfortable and clean. Therefore, if you wish to live a healthy life, you need to consider intimate wash regularly with Belle Nubian skin care. Our best whitening body lotion is also a recommended one. Hence, hurry up and order your self-care essentials.