The fertility treatment where the sperm is implanted directly in the uterus of the female partner is known as Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Treatment. 


Usually when couples conceive naturally the sperm gets in through the vaginal opening and then travels to the cervix and passes on to the uterus heading to the fallopian tubes. In Intrauterine insemination (IUI) the sperm is placed is such a way that it is near to the eggs. After the cleansing and concentration process, the sperm gets directly implanted to the uterus of the female partner. This IUI process is seemed to be quite simple. But the sperm implantation needs experienced hands. North Bengal has new hopes for infertility problems. IVF Centers in Siliguri, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Maldah, Rajganj, Kishanganj has expert doctors dealing with fertility treatments.


The process of IUI Treatment:

The seminal fluid from the semen is cleansed in the laboratory and the concentrated sperm is collected, this process itself takes about two hours.

The intrauterine insemination treatment is done during the ovulating phase of the female partner. The IUI Treatment can be done when the semen sample is prepared to be implanted. The expert fertility doctor with the help of a speculum observes the cervical area through the vaginal opening. Later the catheter tube which has the cleansed semen is inserted into the cervix. This process is usually painless few women might experience mild abdominal cramps. The process of IUI in North Bengal is successful in the hands of most trusted fertility experts.

The beneficiaries of IUI:


The main vital point of Intrauterine Insemination is its cost-effectiveness.  Couples who are economically restrained might begin with IUI Treatment, as there can be cases where pregnancy can be achieved only by this minute procedure. If there is further need then they might opt for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) later.


The Intrauterine Insemination is needed in these circumstances-

Unexplained infertility- In this scenario the female partner is given oral medication, consuming it her ovaries tend to mature eggs in good quantity. The main aim is to uplift the chances of pregnancy by implanting clear and concentrated sperm in the uterus to get the best result soon.

Cervical abnormality or stenosis- If the female partner had some injury resulting in scar or surgery such as (cone biopsy, Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure [LEEP], cryosurgery). This treatment is a boon to those women who suffers from childhood cervix deformity or abnormality in shape preventing the passage of the flow.

Issues related to sperm passage, ejaculation and quality: If there are blockages in male reproductive ducts, or suffer from retrograde ejaculation where the sperm is transferred back to the bladder and not through the penis while orgasm. Problems in urethral opening to bring out the semen. The semen has low sperm content and the semi fluids need to be cleared and then implanted for a better result.

The trouble in erection and ejaculating process: The intrauterine insemination is proven to be helpful for those couples where the male partner has trouble of erectile dysfunction. The sperm is taken from sperm retrieval process and implanted to the female partner’s uterus.


The success rate of IUI:

Couples who have unexplained infertility has taken the chance and gained success through this process several times. If the female partner suffers from cervical problems, it can be cured by IUI.  The male partner has erectile dysfunction can opt for IUI.

The treatment might be challenging for men who have problem in producing sperm

IUI does not work as well for men who produce few sperm or have severe severe fallopian tube disease, moderate to severe endometriosis, or a history of pelvic (lower belly) infections. Other fertility treatments are better for these patients. abnormalities with their sperm and does not help women who have

Overall, if inseminations are performed every month with fresh or frozen sperm, success rates can be better. The success rates depend on whether fertility medications are used, age of the woman, and infertility diagnosis, as well as other factors.