How much does it cost to change a flight on Spirit?

The cost to change the flight ticket on Spirit airlines is provided to all the passengers because there could be some unfavorable conditions that may arise from nowhere. Due to these conditions, you must cancel/change your reservation. For such instances, the Spirit Airline refund policy states that it is free to change less than 24 hours from ticket purchase. Still, if you skip the risk-free window, then charges would be applicable, and it will be around $90 if a change or cancellation is made online and an extra $10 in this price if you change at the airport.

Learn the process to change a flight on Spirit airlines:


·        First, you must open the official homepage of Spirit Airlines.

·        After that, go to manage my booking/my trips section.

·        Enter your ticket reference code and the last name of the traveler and click the continue option

·        Retrieve your booking, and then you have to click on the edit button.

·        Select your ticket and go to the change option; you can reschedule for your new flight ticket.

·        The changes for flight change would be as per the required fields like date, time, and class, or you can also ask for destination change if available.

·        Once you complete the Spirit airline ticket with the new reservation, you might have to pay

·        After the payment, you will receive a confirmation email.

Henceforth, if you are still left with doubts about How much does it cost to change a flight on Spirit, then you can discuss such queries on a phone call with an available representative.