1. Make reading a habit in your life.Spending more time reading is the most dependable way to raise one's reading rate over time. Do you think it's simple? Making reading part of your daily routine is the simplest method to keep your New Year's resolution to read more books. Read while sipping your coffee in the morning, before bed, or during your lunch break. If you make reading a regular part of your routine, it will ultimately become second nature.2. FREE BOOKSALE EMAIL NEWSLETTERYou may save up to 80% on the books you want to read by subscribing to our Book Deals service.EmailWhen you sign up, you agree to our terms of service.Learn to multitask.There is just so much time in the day. However, if you learn to multitask, your time is worth twice as much. Try reading a book while flying or waiting for an appointment. Working out, cooking, cleaning, and even walking are all tasks I like doing while reading or listening to books. Save the most challenging reading for moments when you have complete focus.3. KEEP A BOOK ON HANDYou'll never have to squander time if you have a nice book to read. Having a book on hand may help you make the most of otherwise lost time throughout the day. Waiting for the bus, in line at the grocery store, in the doctor's office, or even on a long elevator ride are all wonderful opportunities to read a little more. If you don't want to carry around hefty books, I recommend having an e-reader or reading app on your phone.4. INSTITUTE OBJECTIVESSetting a reading goal is an excellent approach to boost your book intake. Having a goal in mind is an excellent approach to stay motivated and on track. The Goodreads Reading Challenge makes it simple to track your progress toward your goal bing maps direction. But make sure it's a goal you can really reach; choosing an unachievable aim will just serve to damper your excitement.5: TEACH YOURSELF TO READ WITH YOUR EARSUsing an audiobook is not a form of cheating. A excellent book may be enjoyed in a number of ways, including audiobooks. You can accomplish so much more when you have an audiobook to listen to. An audiobook is a practical kind of entertainment for a variety of settings. Furthermore, it is a good approach for avoiding eye strain caused by reading large texts on paper or a screen for an extended period of time. If you haven't already done so, I recommend starting with a memoir by a prominent author you like, such as Gabrielle Union's We're Going to Need More Wine. Instead, consider Samantha Irby's We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, a collection of essays and short stories that may be listened to in smaller chunks of time.MERGE GENRESThe book hangover arises when you finish a good book but lack the urge to move on to the next one. Changing the genre I'm reading on a regular basis helps me maintain my reading pace and avoids book hangovers. Have you recently finished a great science fiction series? Continue with some actual crime. Are you stuck on the last love tale you read? You may then read a hilarious autobiography. It's an excellent method to keep attentive. Even better, it keeps you from drawing unfair comparisons between works in the same genre and eliminates any misunderstanding regarding works with similar stories or characters.7.Join a reading club.A book club's responsibility might be useful in keeping a reading habit. Before anything else, having a book club meeting on a certain day pushes you to commit to reading the book in question. Second, book clubs are an excellent place for socializing around shared interests in reading and discussing the books that members have chosen to read. Third, the burden of "what should I read next?" that might hinder you from reading frequently is relieved when novels are selected for you by a book club.