Whether you are looking for a Fildena 100 pill, you are interested in buying a new drug, or you are wondering if you should take it, there are many things that you need to know. Some of these things are the drug's side effects, whether it is safe for women and children, and if it will work for you.

Taking Fildena 100 is a good idea for those who have erectile dysfunction (ED). This pill will help you get the erection you need for sexual intercourse. The medicine works by relaxing the smooth blood vessel muscles in the penis, allowing blood to flow more easily into the penis.

Fildena 100 is part of a group of medicines known as PDE5 inhibitors. These drugs work by inhibiting the PDE5 enzyme, impairing the blood flow in the p e n i s.

Fildena 100 contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate. This substance is a critical ingredient in the medicine Viagra. It is a crucial component in cGMP production, a vital chemical in dilating blood vessels. Taking Fildena 100 at least once daily is a good idea.

The pill is best taken on an empty stomach. It is also best to avoid alcohol. If you do drink alcohol while taking Fildena, it could complicate the process and cause you to have fewer erections. It is also a good idea to speak with your doctor about the possible interaction of Fildena 100 with other medicines you are taking.

The pill may also help you in the erectile contest. This medicine is said to be the best at improving blood circulation to the penis. This increase in blood flow may help you achieve a more prolonged erection.

The drug is only effective when you take it in the right way. You should not take more than one pill per day. It is also not recommended for people with heart problems, high blood pressure, or liver or kidney disease. The medicine should also be taken with a meal.

The best time to take the pill is about an hour before sex. The effects of Fildena last for a few hours. However, you should avoid fatty foods and drink lots of water. Talking with your doctor about your medical history before taking it is also a good idea.

Other Info: Fildena 150