Fildena 100 is an oral pill that works by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme and assisting nitric oxide production. When this occurs, it increases the blood flow in your penis and enables you to experience strong erections when stimulated sexually.

When you take a Fildena 100 mg tablet, it is important to understand that this product will work best with a balanced diet and exercise program. It is also essential to consult your doctor before taking any supplements or medications.

Often labeled as a dietary supplement, erection enhancement pills are designed to improve sexual function and increase virility. These pills are also marketed as treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE).

Most male enhancement supplements combine vitamins, minerals, herbs, and hormones. Some brands even include trace amounts of erectile dysfunction drugs, such as sildenafil and tadalafil.

These pills may improve ED by increasing blood flow to the penis, helping you get an erection easier and last longer. They can also boost your libido and reduce stress.

However, many male enhancement supplements are contaminated and unsafe for men's health. Some pills contain hidden ingredients that aren't safe to use and can even damage sperm.

One common ingredient in erection enhancers is pomegranate, 40% ellagic acid, an antioxidant that can improve blood flow to the penis and help you get hard. This antioxidant may also delay fatigue caused by exercise, improving your overall sexual stamina and performance.

Another ingredient is muira puama bark extract, which has been shown to improve erectile function by increasing blood flow and providing a stronger erection. This extract can be taken as a standalone product or in combination with other supplements.

The best male enhancement pills provide noticeable results for erectile function without the risk of side effects. These supplements can be purchased at online pharmacies or telehealth companies.

These companies also offer a money-back guarantee, which allows you to try the product for three months before committing to its efficacy. The warranty is available to consumers and healthcare providers, so you can test a male enhancement pill before deciding its effectiveness.

If you are experiencing ED, you should talk to your doctor before taking any medications. Low nitric oxide levels in the blood often cause ED. Your nitric oxide levels can be increased with certain ED medications, such as sildenafil and sildenafil citrate.

Some of these ED medications are made in tablets, capsules, or sprays that can be taken orally. Others are applied directly to the penis before sex.

Other Info: Fildena 150