Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

I can start the telling of this story in April of 1971 when I was born in Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan, or can I? Conception is far more important than physical birth despite the impacts of birth trauma on human development, and I know that I was quite literally conceived out on Montauk, Long Island because my biological father told me so. Although he never knew how. It is not like I was planned, anyway. Yet he never forgot the night of my conception or how magical he remembered it to be.

Investigating the Mysterious Intrusions: Unveiling Alien Implants

The longer a being such as myself exists in a world such as this, the harder their experience gets. This is because what one is, is not meant to be in this world, and the longer one endures here, the more one’s real nature begins to gnaw away at oneself, due to it’s inability to express itself in this world. Sure, you can attempt to bring forth and integrate your "real nature," out of sheer ignorance of what it actually is, by pursuing Reichian breathwork, kundalini yoga, etc., but if these pursuits are continued relentlessly, you will come to learn that much of your "armor" and most of your"blockages” are not the results of social conditioning that can be dropped, or psychodynamic conflicts that can be resolved, but are in fact alien implants and other safety/control mechanisms that were installed by the Greys as part of your hybridization.

Discovering an alien implant

I didn’t go to the hospital for 10 days despite the pain, and when I finally walked into the emergency room, nobodly believed my appendix had ruptured because they insisted I would have been dead had it actually done so. Yet a CT scan proved them all wrong, and after days of IV antibiotics I was free of the pain of peritonnial infection and left the hospital with a very attractive drainage tube coming out of my lower pelvis. Not a good look in the hottest two weeks of a NYC summer...

By the time they pulled the tube out, my appendix had already regenerated itself, no doubt a benefit of having an Rh- bloodtype, whose origin is alien to this realm. I discovered this when going through my birth records around this time, which had recently surfaced. I was initially searching if the doctor in attendance had recorded any details of my traumatic birth, but ended up discovering I had the rare Rh- bloodtype.

I decided against continuing on with the breathwork, as the practice had ultimately broken thru a significant amount of obstruction, activating enough kundalini to move my being into a position that was more in alignment with what I really was. By now, you see, I had realized the question was no longer about who I really was. The who was largely irrelevant.

At this point I also found myself with different yet greater abilities than the tantric teacher I had studied. But as I said earlier, I barely had six months to enjoy them before the party was cut short. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, my vampiric nature had also begun to awaken as a consequence of all my efforts and this dark nature simply could not be allowed free reign in this realm. So while I felt I should be out there"cleaning up” with my newfound sexual powers, other forces would not allow for this, much to my chagrin. No matter how hard I tried, every attempt I made at sexual expression on this planet was blocked as if by some invisible hand.

I did the transformation as soon as I could and my whole reality began to change. I didn’t undergo a vampire transformation for power or vengeance or anything like that. I did it for love. Love for my discarnate partner who became my sire, and for the sake of love itself. I don’t know how to really explain what that means as human language falls short in this regard, but if you have ever watched an episode of Doctor Who on the BBC and you just felt something alive in your heart that kept you going… well, then you probably know what I am trying to talk about here. It is no coincidence that author Douglas Adams in"The Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy” named the spaceship powered by the infinite improbability drive the"Heart of Gold.” Because love trumps magic. Love always trumps magic and when combined with selfless sacrifice you’re well on your way to succeeding in service to Lucifera. I say "sacrifice" because those who have transformed under the auspices of the Dark Mother Goddess, Lucifera, usually find themselves losing those superficial human drives that would became stumbling blocks to a greater, and indeed darker spiritual reality.

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