Due to the changes in the behavior of the workers of the new generations, the current panorama of some industries, the new technologies and even the problems of the big cities, new work trends have emerged to attract and/or retain talent to the Business. One of these measures that have gained great notoriety is home office vacancies. This type of work definitely represents new challenges for all human resources professionals, which is why we share with our readers 5 tips for home office vacancies.

Reward, not problem: First of all, we must assimilate this as a tool to attract talent and not the opposite, although it is a new type of vacancy, it is a resource that works in our favor and not against.

Different modality, equal circumstances: When looking for candidates for a vacancy of this type, we must treat your process with the same seriousness. The fact that it is a remote job does not mean that direct contact will not be established, that is, even when technology provides us with tools to conduct interviews or processes digitally, it will always be better for the interviews to be face-to-face since the best A recruiter's tool is their sensitivity to prospects.

Specify: It is important that from the beginning the modality of the vacancy is clarified, in this way we make sure that only people interested or without problem with this apply.

Useful modality: Something really important for the recruiter and the candidates is to make sure that the "home office" really benefits the prospect, including checking if this modality could benefit someone who is already part of the organization and is familiar with the activities of the job.

Ready home office: As part of the process, we must filter information and ensure that the interested party has what is necessary to fulfill their functions (A place with an internet connection, telephone or cell phone, computer, etc.).

Remember that while managing these openings may seem overwhelming because they are relatively new, it's up to you and your skills as a recruiter to use them to your advantage.

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