Many times while working on QuickBooks accounting software, the user might encounter an error message stating QuickBooks has stopped working or not responding. This can be very annoying for the users as it hinders any specific assignment or it can also be seen when the user tries to open QuickBooks desktop. If you are also facing any other issue, then in that case, read this post till the end, or you can also discuss it with our QuickBooks support team. You can call us at our toll-free number i.e. 1-888-351-0999, and our team will ensure to provide you with the best possible information and rectification method to the error.

Causes to the error “QuickBooks has stopped working”

·          Damaged windows operating system can be one of the reasons

·          QuickBooks desktop stopped functioning properly

·          Program’s files got corrupted

·          Hard drive got damaged

·          Corrupted QBWUSER.INI file

·          Or the company name is too big or exceeds the prescribed limit

Using QB Install Tool to fix the issue

In majority of the cases, the user is recommended to opt for QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool, as it automatically detects the program and fix it instantly. The steps to be followed are listed below:

·          The very first step is to download the QB Install tool and then install it by carrying out the prompts.

·          And then, ensure to close all the background apps.

·          The next step is to hit run on QB Install tool.

·          The user will have to wait for some time, as the process might take up to 20 minutes for scanning the ongoing issues.

·          Now, after the scanning process comes to an end, the tool will diagnose and fix the issue on its own.

·          And the last step in the process is to reboot the system and you are good to go.

Read Also:  Update QuickBooks Desktop to the latest release

There are very many other processes that can help the users in getting rid of QuickBooks stopped working error. The user can simply get in touch with our QuickBooks support team via our toll-free number i.e. 1-888-351-0999, and they will brief you with all possible fixes to get rid of this error. Thus, do not hesitate in calling us anytime, as we will be happy to help you.