deca steroid belongs to the AAS class II group, consisting of 19-nortestosterone derivatives. AAS is a large group of fast-growing synthetic androgens used both clinically and illegally.

Compared to testosterone propionate, deca steroids is believed to have substantial anabolic effects but weak androgenic effects (potency ratios of 3.29-4.92 and 0.31-0.41). In particular, nandrolone esters have the highest percentage of anabolic and androgenic effects of all AAS.

The low androgenicity of deca durabolin is believed to be because nandrolone is inactivated by 5?-reductase through conversion of the low-affinity androgen receptor (AR) into the 5?-dihydro nandrolone ligand. This leads to a lower incidence and magnitude of side effects.

nandrolone decanoate, also known as Nandrolone Caprinato, is an alkylated anabolic steroid indicated to treat anemia or renal failure and as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of senile and postmenopausal ester osteoporosis.