With the rising demand of online training and assessment, teaching large classes has become possible but also troublesome when you are handling operations manually. Autograding tools are designed exactly for that, to solve the shortcomings related to grading students on an online testing platform. From saving time to boosting the students’ performance, the benefits are quite a lot when using a testing platform to measure training effectiveness.

Let’s look at some of the advantages that you can get from using an auto-grading tool for online assessments.

Grade students’ performances easily

Teachers now have more time to provide feedback on the learners’ work that cannot be automatically evaluated thanks to auto-grading systems. Moreover, you can quickly evaluate each student's performance and determine who scored the highest thanks to an effective automatic scoring and grading system. A sophisticated system will also provide a thorough report with thorough data and clear graphics for better understanding.

You may identify the strong and weak points of your students and offer areas for growth to them using the pass rate, average score, and the number of questions that were correctly answered and answered.

Merge learning with assessment

A sophisticated online testing platform allows you to build both tests and learning courses in a single location. With an effective learning management system, you can offer the students the option of learning while taking the test or vice versa. Apart from creating the course material, make sure it can be delivered in a variety of formats, including video, audio, PPT, PDF, Word, and images, among others.

Efficiently manage students

As we were discussing early in this article, the difficulty of handling a large class can be solved by incorporating smart testing platforms. With these platforms, you can upload the necessary information and even monitor it in bulk.

You can get the option to upload as many names, phone numbers, etc. as you need in a short period of time by uploading documents in a particular format. Most online testing platforms offer a batch upload tool, so you may import the student images in bulk and save time and effort in the process.

Engagement is the key

When you are teaching a large batch of students keeping the students engaged can be a task. With an online testing platform with an auto-grading facility, you can create tests easily and even customize them with images, audio, and videos to make them more engaging.

Another great strategy to engage with students and encourage engagement is to add immediate feedback to each question. In addition to encouraging the examinees with positive words, you may also clarify the right response. Students can readily examine their performance in the meantime and make progress accordingly.


Online courses are here to stay, and with that, the requirements of assessing students remotely. Having an auto-grading online testing platform will help you get the most out of your online teaching process.