The Cisco 350-601 exam dumps, also known as Implementing Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR), is a certification exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and skills in implementing and managing data center technologies. The exam covers a broad range of topics related to data center infrastructure, including network architecture, virtualization, automation, security, storage, and computing. The 350-601 Valid Questions 2023 is designed for IT professionals who are seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the areas of data center technologies. This exam is a requirement for obtaining the Cisco Certified Specialist - Data Center Core certification. The exam format consists of 90-110 multiple-choice and simulation questions that must be completed within a time limit of 120 minutes. The exam is available in English and Japanese, and the registration fee varies depending on the location and exam center. The exam covers various topics, including Network Architecture: This includes designing and implementing data center networks, including Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity, data center interconnect, and network virtualization. Virtualization: This includes implementing and managing virtualization technologies such as VMWare, Hyper-V, and KVM. It also covers virtual networking and storage. Automation: This includes automating data center operations using tools such as Python, REST APIs, and JSON. Security: This includes implementing and managing data center security technologies such as firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion prevention systems. Storage: This includes designing and implementing storage solutions, including SAN, NAS, and object storage. Compute: This includes designing and implementing compute solutions, including server virtualization and containerization. Overall, the 350-601 exam is a challenging test that requires a comprehensive understanding of data center technologies and their implementation. Candidates who pass this exam will have demonstrated their expertise in this field and will be well-positioned for career advancement in data center management and operations. Visit                                                  




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