You must have heard that people are investing in solar panels. One fine day the desire also inculcates in your mind listening about the several advantages of utilizing green power. But there are some doubts and points that you should be clear about before making any decision. There are many aspects of solar power that should be considered if you are switching to it.

Things to Consider Before Going Solar

Local Electricity Rates:

The amount of your monthly utility bills and location are the two most important aspects to be checked when determining the effectiveness of solar panels as per your location. In India, for example, electricity rates are high in many states due to unavoidable factors. These inevitable reasons are giving rise to a number of Battery Manufacturers In Kerala. So, if you are from Kerala, then going solar will be beneficial for you.

Amount of Sunlight in Your Area:

Most solar panels can perform to their best when exposed to adequate sunlight. Moreover, they prefer clear outdoor conditions to produce power. So, you need to check if your area gets four to five hours of direct sunlight, then solar panels are a useful option.

Roof Suitability:

To reap the maximum solar benefits, your roof should be facing south and the roof pitch should range from 30 to 45 degrees so that maximum sunlight can be utilized. Moreover, the roof should be tilted to an angle as per the latitude of the location as well as the season. In case your roof can’t fulfil this requirement, then a shallow roof and a completely flat roof can also work.


Taking permission consumes most time of the entire solar installation process. In most cases, permits can take around three days to three weeks. There are two types of permits; electrical and building permits. 

But you don’t need to worry about that. You can ask your installer or a Solar Battery Manufacturers in India to help you with this. 


Having a solar panel installed is an investment. It opens gateways for a lot of benefits such as saving non-renewable sources and cutting utility bills. The major things that are to be inquired about have been discussed here. If you need any kind of assistance regarding the solar batteries then On & On battery manufacturers are there to guide you through the right path.