Millet is considered a powerful sacred and therapeutic food by traditional Chinese medicine. It is older than barley, and in China, its consumption became popular even before that of rice. Its consumption has been known for more than 5,000 years in various areas of the world.

Millet is primarily composed of carbohydrates, the presence of which stands out.Thanks to this high presence and its richness in fiber, millet helps control diabetes since it is absorbed more slowly without forming glycemic spikes.

Its multiple benefits make it a good resource in the kitchen. Due to its neutral, soft, and nuanced flavor, it has a certain resemblance to the taste of butter, so it can be a good companion along with other ingredients in many dishes. It can be cooked alone and be a substitute for pasta and rice in your diet, and not only because of its flavor but also because of its high nutrient content.

What are the nutritional properties of millet?

Millet and Instant Mix Food Products Online is a highly recommended food to include in your regular diet. Millet is a food with a high nutritional value, and as a source of carbohydrates (74%), it is a very good alternative to pasta and rice in your daily diet. As in rice, starch is the main form of carbohydrate storage.

The second major nutrient is protein, which represents between 11-13% of its weight, although being of plant origin, it has some limiting amino acids and, therefore, it is convenient to combine it in the same meal with other foods such as legumes to obtain a more complete protein with higher biological value. You can buy Organic Millets Online, and its contribution at the mineral level stands out for iron and magnesium. 

Due to its good nutritional profile, Ready Made Millet is a highly recommended food to include in your usual diet. And in addition, since it does not contain gluten, it can be consumed in cases of celiac disease.

How to consume it?

Millet Food Products Online can be used to prepare soups, bread, breakfast cereals, and porridges, creating sweet or savory dishes according to your own tastes. One of the best-known recipes is the basic millet, to which walnuts and a handful of raisins are added to enjoy it with a green leafy salad or a healthy grilled fish. Appropriating the best of each culture will be very beneficial for your health, and with millet, difficult digestion will only be a bad memory of the past.

Millet is a fast-cooking grain and very easy to cook. Being very small, before cooking, it must be washed and drained well. It is then roasted in a frying pan and immediately cooked in hot water. There, wait for it to boil, and leave it over low heat for about 20 minutes or until it acquires a spongy texture.

It can be consumed in white cheese for toast, jellies, yogurt, smoothies, cookies, and cereal bars. It can also be included in salads with greens and vegetables; it is also a good ingredient for pizzas, vegetable burgers, and vegetable soups, among other options.