In Canada, there are a number of career avenues in real estate. One such avenue is a Real Estate broker. The job of a broker is to act as a liaison between people who buy and sell real assets. Their job is discovering purchasers and seller who are looking to buy or sell property. A broker help sellers with the marketing of their property and selling for price that is acceptable to all the parties involved. A broker can possess and deal with a real estate brokerage firm and employ agents. One needs to finish a broker's exam to get licensed.

In order to become a licensed agent in Canada you should successfully finish a course of study as needed under the Real Estate Act of the province of where you live. For specific guidelines on becoming a broker's license, you can check with your province's governing body. The Real Estate Council is the licensing and regulatory agency established by the provincial government to administer the Real Estate Services Act.

Every province in Canada regulates brokers. In general, to turn into a boker in Canada, one must be something like 18 years old and a permanent resident of Canada. Before applying to take the broker's exam, you should, you should be registered and have been working a agent for a specified period of time as mandated by the provinces board. It can go somewhere in the range of a half year to three years, depending on where you live. You should have completed with a set of licensing courses and passed the written exams with grades of normally no under 75%, depending on your province rules. The final examination must have been completed within the one year preceding application.

When applying to take the brokers exam, you must submit supporting documentation as required with the application as well as the required fees. You should present the test application for the most part inside one year of the Broker Course examination date. In the event that an application is made after the examination date, the exam must be re-taken. If an application is made after the specified date from the examination date, the Broker Course must be repeated.

For more information click here Mississauga real estate broker.