QuickBooks is unquestionably a cutting-edge marketing and accounting software. Although it provides a comprehensive bookkeeping solution, there are often errors. This article provides detailed information on QuickBooks error code 1646, which can occur when you install QuickBooks Premier on a computer with QuickBooks Pro installed. It also happens when you install QuickBooks Accountant on a machine that has QuickBooks Premier installed. This article will help you to resolve the error.

You can perform the below given approaches for fixing this QuickBooks error.

Approach 1: Clean Install QuickBooks

Approach 2: Repair Microsoft .NET framework

Approach 3: Clear the temp files

Approach 4: Update Windows

By the end of this post, you should be able to get rid of QuickBooks Error code 1646. Although the instructions entailed herein should have helped you, you can leverage our unwavering support by calling us at 1 800 761 1787.