The 18th birthday of a child with special needs marks the beginning of significant changes regarding the benefits and services they can receive. In the United States, most children who turn 18 become adults in the eyes of the law, which means they are legally responsible for their choices and actions. If you or your child has been receiving various state and federal services, benefits, and accommodations, it’s essential to understand what those changes are. We’ve put together the top five issues that are helpful for you to know.?? 

ABLE accounts allow an individual to maintain some income and resources above the amount typically allowed for recipients of governmental benefits to help them continue to receive those benefits. It can also allow your child the opportunity to have some financial independence and learn to manage their own finances without the risk of significant financial losses or abuse. There are limits on how much can be deposited into an ABLE account each year and on what the funds from the account can be used. ABLE accounts are also a good tool when used in combination with a Special Needs Trust to provide financial protection and independence for your child.? 

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will determine who will serve as the payee for your child’s Social Security benefit. SSA may decide that your child is able to serve as their own payee or may appoint a Representative Payee for your child. This decision is made with the Social Security representative assigned to your child’s application. It is important that a Representative Payee not comingle their assets and your child’s Social Security Benefits. Therefore, a separate bank account in your child’s name will be necessary for them to receive their benefits.?? 

The top five changes we listed are meant to serve as a starting point in navigating your journey as an adult or parent of an adult with disabilities. For more information, please check out the resource links below or contact the Special Needs Alliance for help finding an attorney that can guide you.

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