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5V0-31.20 Test Cram: VMware Cloud Foundation Specialist - 5V0-31.20 Exam Guide & 5V0-31.20 Study MaterialsThis format enables you to assess your 5V0-31.20 test preparation with a VMware 5V0-31.20 certification exam. You can also customize your time and the kinds of VMware 5V0-31.20 Exam Questions of the VMware 5V0-31.20 practice test. Pass4Leader has formulated 5V0-31.20 PDF questions for the convenience of VMware 5V0-31.20 test takers.
VMware 5V0-31.20 Exam Syllabus Topics:TopicDetailsTopic 1Identify how to manage passwords in VMware Cloud Foundation components Indentify how to configure storage policies for use with vSphere Tanzu namespacesTopic 2Identify th steps to create, scale, and delete workload domains Identify use cases that are appropriate for stretched clustersTopic 3Identify requirements for automated vRealize Suite deployment Indentify sizing tools that are available for domain sizingTopic 4Identify how to manage IP inclusions ranges in network posts Identify the use cases for using Application Vitual Networks (AVNs).Topic 5Given a deployment scenario, identify the host imaging method that should be used Identify multi-insane federation configure maximumsTopic 6Given a scenario, identify the deployment of the NSX edge cluster with SDDC Manager Identify how to plan network pools for consumption by workload domainsTopic 7Identify physical requirements for successful VMware Cloud Foundation deployment Identify use cases for using Cloud Foundation multi-instance federationTopic 8Given a use case, identify the design implications with the design decisions Identify how VMware Cloud Foundation automates the deployment of componentsTopic 9Identify the characteristics of the pre-defined roles in VMware Cloud Foundation Identify the components of the VMware Cloud Foundation bring-up processTopic 10Indentify characteristics of the hierarchical network underlay design for VMware Cloud Foundation Identify VMware Colud Foundation priciple storage optionsTopic 11Identify how to configure network pools for different storage types Identify the minimum requirements to deploy the VMware Cloud FoundationVMware Cloud Foundation Specialist Sample Questions (Q19-Q24):
Which two components are included in the NSX-T upgrade process within VMware Cloud Foundation? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,D
An administrator has deleted an NSX manager application from the management domain by accident and now needs to restore the NSX Manager application as soon as possible.
Which three steps are necessary to accomplish this goal? (Choose three)
Answer: A,C,D
A customer is planning to upgrade NSX r in a VMwarc Cloud Foundation consolidated deployment to unlock new features. Which factor must be considered during this planning phase?
Answer: C
What is the minimum required number of hosts when deploying the VMware Cloud Foundation Management Domain?
Answer: C
Which use case is valid for a Stretch Cluster design in a VMware Cloud Foundation Workload Domain?
Answer: A
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