The time-honored adage "keep it simple, stupid" (KISS) may often apply to author websites. Experience has shown that making them overly elaborate rarely makes them more effective for book publicity. People visiting your website want to find what they are looking for quickly – and you want to make a good impression by encouraging their interest in your book. Therefore, what you include and how you present it drives your site's success (or not). Keeping things direct, helpful, and unfussy can also reduce the time and expense of launching a site. The perfect author's website brings success.

As a rule of thumb, any website's Home and About pages are the most important and highly visited. The home page is also the most frequently crawled by search engines and has an outsized influence in attracting visitors. The internet phenomenon known as bounce rate means how many people land on your home page and go no further. People who view more than one page are likelier to become interested in you and buy or download your book. Therefore, an effective home page that says enough but not too much and includes the correct information is vital to your success.

Your website's About page is an opportunity to give visitors information about you and your book(s). Seasoned book marketers often point out that the trick in closing a sale is convincing someone that your book is more beneficial (nonfiction) or entertaining (fiction) than its competitors. You want to describe your book clearly on your website and avoid flowery language. But it would be best if you also wrote persuasively to draw people in and make them curious to find out more. Ensuring your site content is compelling is the trick to making it more effective. A site that's on point will always be more productive.

Because website content is longer lasting and less responsive to seasons and events, many authors wisely attach blogs to their sites. Well-written blog posts effectively draw people to your site because the two are linked. The blog can be more topical and allows you to add your opinion and insight on a range of topics related to your book. Many authors enjoy their blogs, and if you're willing to monitor and moderate the content, you can choose to allow reader comments and feedback. You will need to check it routinely or set the blog up to forward you the comments for review before they are published.

Business Name:- Smith Publicity, Inc.

Address:- 1415 Marlton Pike East Suite 402, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Phone:- 856-489-8654