Those pesky red or blue color veins are small in size and look ugly when they appear on the skin surface of the legs or face. It can be cured effectively with laser treatment; however, this is a popular yet modern treatment that reduces the appearance of spider veins and improves skin aesthetics. But sometimes people start wondering and having a doubt about Do Spider Veins Come Back After Laser Treatment.


Laser Treatment Process

Laser treatment targets spider veins with a focused beam of light, causing them to collapse and fade away gradually. No worries, this process is a completely safe and minimally invasive procedure for addressing the issues of spider veins.

Can Spider Veins Return?

It is true that laser treatment reduces the appearance of spider veins instantly with no pain or discomfort. It must be noted that the new spider veins may develop over time. Laser therapy primarily addresses existing veins and may not prevent the formation of new ones in the future. Factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle choices can contribute to the development of new spider veins.

Maintenance and Lifestyle

The results of laser treatment reduce the chances of developing spider veins again by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining weight, regular physical workouts and wearing compression stockings, which provide relief to some extent. But before implementing these, you should consult with your healthcare provider for confirmation or

  Types of Medical Professionals Treats varicose veins?

Laser treatment reduces the development of spider veins appearance, but it doesn't guarantee their absence. A healthy lifestyle and consistent care are crucial for long-lasting results. If you have spider vein concerns or are considering laser treatment, consult a healthcare professional for customised treatment based on your medical condition.

Wondering about what doctor treats varicose veins who specialised particularly in veins? A vein specialist is a medical professional who is an expert in treating various vein-related diseases such as spider and varicose veins. Let's shed light on what they are famous for:-

  Phlebologist A vein specialist is also termed as a phlebologist. A phlebologist is a medical field especially dedicated to identifying, diagnosing and treating vein disorders.


Vascular Surgeon Some vein specialists hold a certified degree for performing vascular surgeries. Vascular surgeons are responsible for handling issues related to blood vessels, which include veins and arteries—qualifying for surgical interventions.   Interventional Radiologist

Interventional Radiologist is another term for vascular specialists who use imaging techniques to guide minimally invasive procedures for vein treating vein-related issues.

  Vein Doctor or Specialist

You usually hear the term vein doctors" or "vein specialists. Their name suggests their specialisations in treating and diagnosing vein disease.

  Wrapping It Up

After reading the whole article, you now have a better understanding of what types of doctors treat varicose veins and how those veins develop after getting the laser treatment. In short, it depends on individuals how frequently their new veins are developing. So, with the development of new veins, you may become a victim of spider veins again as healthcare providers do not guarantee the appearance of veins.