Family Lawyers represent individuals in family law matters such as divorce, child custody, and adoption. They also help protect family estates and provide legal advice on issues such as prenuptial agreements and domestic violence.
This career requires a high level of expertise, restraint, and compassion. It also involves working closely with a variety of professionals, including psychologists and social workers.Divorce
The legal dissolution of a marriage is known as divorce. It is a complex and emotional process that requires both legal expertise and sensitivity on a personal level.
During a divorce, there are many issues to resolve, including property division, child custody and support, spousal support and more. Family lawyer near me help clients resolve these matters and ensure their rights are protected.

Divorce can be an emotionally stressful time for both parties, especially if children are involved. Having an experienced and dedicated attorney by your side is a comforting and necessary resource to keep the situation as professional and healthy for the kids as possible.Child custody
Family Lawyers are concerned with the best interests of children in a custody case. They want to make sure that parents are able to communicate with one another, and that they can get to know their kids and keep them safe.
Child custody is a complicated process. It involves determining where the child lives primarily and how much time they will spend with each parent.
Generally, the court will try to give a child as much time with each parent as possible. This can be done through a schedule that works for the parents and the child, or it can be determined by a judge in an order.Child support
When a divorce occurs, one of the most significant considerations is child support. Family lawyers often help clients who have to deal with this issue as part of the divorce proceedings.
The amount of support that a parent pays depends on several factors, including the number of children involved and the combined income of the parents. Generally, courts follow simple guidelines when calculating child support.
However, if the non-custodial parent is evasive about their earnings, or if they’re receiving public assistance such as food stamps and Medicaid, a court may use an imputed income formula.
This can result in an increased child support payment amount. Similarly, if the parent’s financial situation changes dramatically after the divorce, it can be possible to petition for a modification of the order in Family Court.Abuse and neglect
As any Sydney family lawyer will tell you, allegations of abuse and neglect can have serious consequences for both a family and the alleged abuser. These accusations may affect a person’s ability to maintain custody of their children and can lead to jail time for the alleged abuser or loss of parental rights.
The law considers child abuse and neglect to occur when a caregiver intentionally harms or fails to protect a child’s health, safety or welfare in any way. These acts include physical, sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect and negligent treatment.
Abuse can cause long-term effects for the victim, including behavioral problems and a higher risk for violence and substance abuse later in life. It can also lead to cognitive delays, impaired nervous system development and a diminished immune response.Inheritance and estate management
Family lawyers often advise clients about inheritance and estate management. This includes planning for the distribution of inherited assets and avoiding transfer (estate) taxes.
Inheritance is the process by which a person's assets pass to their beneficiaries, generally through a will or trust. It also involves the legal process of probate, which divides an estate according to state law and a decedent's wishes.
If you have an inheritance, it is important to take some time to decide how you want to spend the money and make a financial plan to meet your goals. It may be wise to work with a financial planner to formulate a strategy that best meets your needs and goals.