When you need to file for a divorce, resolve a child custody or alimony dispute, or adopt a new baby, turn to Point Cook family lawyer Bryce Cook. He has the experience, skill and tenacity you need to ensure a fair outcome.
The Law Offices of Bryce Cook serves families throughout Jonesboro, Arkansas and surrounding areas.Divorce
Divorce is a process that dissolves the rights and responsibilities between married people. It can involve a number of issues, including division of property and custody of children.
A spouse filing for divorce is called the "petitioner." The other party in the case is the "respondent."
Grounds for divorce vary from state to state. These include irreconcilable differences, separation, desertion, and extreme cruelty.
Before you file for a divorce, try to resolve your differences with your spouse. If you can't agree, you may want to consider mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods.Child Custody
The custody and visitation of children are one of the most important legal issues in a family law case. Custody and visitation rights are granted by a court based on what's best for the child.
The courts analyze many factors to determine what's in a child's best interests, including each parent's lifestyle and stability. They also consider a parent's drug or alcohol use, criminal history, and domestic violence.
If you and the other parent agree on a custody arrangement during mediation, it can become a court order after the judge decides your case at trial.
You can ask the court to change your child custody or visitation order if there is a substantial change in circumstances. It can be a complex process, so you should always hire an experienced point cook family lawyer to help.Child Support
If you need to get child support for your children, you will need a point cook family lawyer who can guide you through the process. Illinois child support laws are intended to provide financial support for children’s basic needs - health, food, shelter, education and extracurricular activities.
However, there are many changes in a parent’s financial circumstances that can impact their ability to pay child support. These factors include income changes, job loss, changing work schedules or a decrease in the amount of parenting time a parent has.
A change in a parent’s financial status can be addressed by filing a motion to modify a current child support order or by entering into a new agreement. A family law attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence and present your case to the court for a modification.Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements, or antenuptial contracts, are legal documents that protect the assets of a couple in the event of a divorce. They are especially important for couples with high net worths or a large portfolio of investments, and they can also be used to protect children.
Prenups can also include support provisions, or spousal maintenance, in the form of ongoing payments from one spouse to the other following a divorce. An attorney can explain the terms and laws governing these issues, as well as suggest options that are best for you.
If you want to create a prenuptial agreement, start early in the marriage and discuss it with your future spouse. Once you have decided on a plan, it’s recommended that you individually take the first draft to separate lawyers for review.Adoption
Adoption is a common way to give children a permanent home. It can be a difficult process for many families, however, and a point cook family lawyer can help with the adoption process from start to finish.
A prospective adoptive parent must first complete a home study with an agency. This requires a background check on all members of the household, including children. The FBI and state sex offender and child abuse registries are also checked.
Once the home study is complete, the prospective parents go to court for an adoption hearing. They will need to show that they have the necessary resources and time to provide a safe and nurturing home for the child.